For a minute try and think of what is the difference between trust and faith. This is not one of those puny jokes with a stupid answer. Also as most philosophical talks usually suggest the difference is not subtle either. The difference is quite substantial. I’m bringing this up to put forward a concern. But to understand the gravity of the concern, it is important for us to understand this vital difference.
You place your faith in the unknown or the future. When you hire someone based on the interview, you have faith in them that they would deliver what is expected.
You trust someone who’s been working with you for a while. Faith is future tense or of the occult whereas trust is based on historical data / presence and which is evidently present.
Now… as someone said, would you want to place your faith in the pilot who’s going to fly you or would you rather trust him for having successfully flown many other passengers?
Ok I presume the point is quite clear.
Now think about all the essential utilities in our day-to-day life and try and see if you actually trust them or are forced to only having your faith in them.
I’ll give you some examples… mind you just examples. You would want to do this exercise to all important things / persons in your life?
In the morning, when you brush, do you trust your toothpaste to do its job OR do you have faith in it that it will do what it’s supposed to.
Do you trust your doctor to treat you well OR do you only have faith in them like Demi-Gods?
Do you trust the police force to keep you and your city safe OR are you forced to only having faith in them?
Do you trust the food you are eating in your favorite restaurant OR are having faith in the chef and the restaurant’s hygiene?
Most importantly, do you trust yourself to set all things right OR do you have faith in your God that someday you may not have to go through this exercise?