Monday, May 20, 2013

Random Thoughts

Strictly (R)* Rated.

Sometimes there are so many random thoughts that keep imploding, it is almost impossible to put them in a single bouquet and make any sense of it. Yet, they are thoughts, powerful thoughts.

Each incident that occurs in front of you is a data point. A lot of data assimilation happens but at the same time, there is some serious processing that happens inside which is trying to place it in some compartment of profiling, eventually leading to some distorted judgment (sometimes known as perception), which we assume is near perfect. However, the results of such a processing get better only with time (also loosely known as experience).

And yet again, there are times when there is no data collection but what we assume to be introspection. And in one such exercise, I stumbled upon this concept of contentment against ambition. Is it not true that both these words are very dangerous? I’m saying this because I know that contentment and ambition are often age related. You are expected to be ambitious when young and as you grow old, you are then expected to be content.

There is a thin line between contentment and laziness. Same is the case with ambition and greed.
One incorrect feed to someone’s data-point, and the conclusion can be damaging.

But should we bother, is the question. Mind you, I’m equally a part of this warped game. But at least I realize this. While my sub-conscious mind is active and extremely busy, I make a conscious effort to not let this processing cloud my actions and reactions. It’s just an honest attempt though. I may falter.

In another plane of thought, we live our lives alright, but for whom? We believe we are living a life for someone else – For our friends, kith and kin, for our colleagues, for our bosses or more so, for our organization. We always strive for some time with ourselves to do things we really enjoy doing.
And while we are juggling to meet everyone’s expectations, from mortgage payments to extended hours at work to kid’s education to an unexpected travel etc., we are continually blamed of being selfish and irresponsible.

As you can see, how these random thoughts have been wreaking havoc in my tiny almost non-existent brain. I still am yet to find any answers.

The only conclusion (to all the processing of data points) is that there is just too much information out there. Most of it is useless. We must train our processors to filter better. Else, our system will freeze.

PS: I now know why they call it the “Breaking News”. After all, the information is so brittle with absolutely no shelf life and no value adds to our day-to-day lives. Actually THINK about it. NEWS is better BROKEN before it FALLS on our ears.

*(R) here stands for RANDOM.