Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sensor / Processor

Often blinded by the bright light
We seek solace in the realm of darkness

We’re comforted and pat ourselves on the back
Upon spotting company in that situation

Very few tune themselves and venture back
To face and embrace the brightness

Rest fade away in the shadows
Habitually grumpy and feeling deceivingly accepted

When there’s a loud noise
Our instant reaction is to close our ears

Maybe because we’re too busy
Silencing our inner voices already

The sensory input tools are only a handful
The processing power immense
For the input tools only processes data that is current or historic
Processor however can produce foresight depending on the quality of analysis

We’ve enhanced the RAM in our supposed input tools
But discounted to upgrade the core processor

Monday, August 22, 2016

LOVE + Patience = Successful Marriage!

When different styles are brought together; and is music to ears
It’s called Fusion
But if it’s not music to ears and is only noise
That’s confusion

When different parts function appropriately in intended unison
That’s engineering
If just one of the ensemble falls apart
The mess will be jarring

Only when all the right ingredients fall into place
Cooked with love and affection
Does food on the table taste good
And establishes a palatable connection

But each takes its time
Before being adjudged
And these are processes
That simply can’t be fudged

Each of the components in each example
Behave differently at different times at command
They all require tuning
With one another before they make it grand

Human relationships are no different
As is Marriage or the union of two souls
It’s a journey that requires pitching, setting, regulating and tweaking
To align and achieve both, individual and collective goals

It’s not a stroke of luck
But requires conscious efforts
From both ends
To enjoy the blissful comforts

With the right perspective
Abundant LOVE and a positive Attitude
Marriage works wonders
Helping both soar to an unimaginable altitude

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Such is the Irony of Life

Mind craves to wander
In a milieu that becomes fonder

Efforts to thwart change
Desire a world as we arrange

Once assumed achieved, skirmish with boredom
Secretly harness a longing for freedom

Such is the irony of life
Quest for peace often results in strife

Annihilation of flora & fauna
In the pursuit of delusional Nirvana
Blinded & Manipulated into a race
With irrelevant milestones to chase

A Society that sermonizes freedom
Ruthlessly oscillating between obscurity and stardom
Such is the irony of life
Only the tongue gets mightier than the knife

Emotions fuelled by anger and disgust
Unleashing the suppressed monster of lust

Ecosystem where crime too is organized
Information is tailored, radicalized and glamourized

Is Karmic imbalance signalling an impending bang?
OR is all positivity veiled in a violently swerving yin and yang?

Such is the irony of life
Ignoring the present, intrigued by the after-life

Such is the irony
In our “Establishment” of tyranny