Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why am I silent on the “Lokpal” bill issue?

Switch to any news channel or turn a page of any newspaper and you will notice one thing. Put a few heads together anywhere and this is what anyone and everyone is discussing – The “Lokpal” bill and the “Anna Hazare” movement: The Crusade against Corruption in India.
How can I miss an opportunity this Historic? As many claim, this is an opportunity for our generation to make a difference. Overzealous people have also called this the “2nd Freedom Struggle”. Considering my thought process, how am I not involved yet?

It did not take more than a moment to realize that I can’t seem to connect with this crusade.
The introspection beyond this point brings out one simple fact.

The entire crusade is akin to scratching the surface alone.

Let’s assume the “Jan Lokpal” bill is passed just the way it is being requested, what next?
We will have another “Lokayukta” office created with just as many suspicious authorities. Does anyone remember Anti Corruption Bureau? Whatever happened to that? What do you do to keep these departments in check? Will we be able to trust them? Why are we fighting for another bill or law when we have enough that are not just being implemented / followed? This is like adding another layer to the existing mess.

Why is this not handled at the grass-root level? And when I’m asking this question, I’m not passing the buck OR expecting someone else to take a lead.

This momentum should ideally be channelized towards correction at an individual level.
We as individuals should ensure WE do not bribe anyone rather than expecting the others to NOT accept. That’s pretty much like expecting zero gravity.

We should not bribe the traffic cop when we jump a signal or ride without a helmet, even better if we do not commit such petty mistakes to begin with. After all these rules are for our safety.

We should not jump the queue by paying special fees – be it in religious places OR any other administrative office.

The core issue is “Corruption”. By booking a few corrupt people, this issue is not going to get resolved. I’m not being pessimistic in my view. But I’m saying the perspective or the dimension we are now looking at is incorrect. Or for that matter, low priority if I may say so.

Top priority is for internal cleansing to be done, so that the necessity of a 2nd or a 3rd freedom struggle at our generation OR the next generation will not arise at all.

The only downside I see to this is no one can yield any political mileage from a struggle like this.
After all, the struggle is within.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Age Pledge for every Indian Citizen

New Age Pledge for Indians
                                                     ~ Srikant Rao

I am an Indian
My identity is my pride

I shall respect every citizen and
I shall respect their freedom

I shall be courteous towards my brethren
I shall be courteous and thankful to my neighbourhood

I shall not become an obstacle and
I shall cooperate in India's progressive development

However, I shall question anything that is against the constitution
and I shall do everything in my capacity to stop such a practice

I shall not let achievements bloat into an ego
I shall not bask in false sense of glory

I realize that I'm only a miniscule contributor
To the culturally diverse sovereignty, our motherland, India

I am an Indian and
THAT identity is my pride

Monday, July 25, 2011

A humble attempt at a Hindi / Urdu poem

A tribute to all my FRIENDS...

अक्षरों को जोड़ के शब्द बनते हैं
उनमे रूमानी मिला दो, अलफ़ाज़ बन जाते हैं

अल्फाज़ों को जोड़ के पंक्तियाँ बनती हैं
उनमे सुर मिला दो, तो गीत बन जाते हैं

क्षणों को जोड़ के दिन बनते हैं; दिन महिने, और महिने साल बनते हैं
उनमे अपने आप को घोल दो, तो यादें बन जाती हैं

यादों को समेटते चलो, सदियाँ बन जाती हैं
सदियों में अपना वजूद मिला दो तो ज़िन्दगी बन जाती हैं

ज़िन्दगी में दो को शामिल कर लो; तो मिसाल बन जाती है
दोस्ती को शिद्दत से निभा दो, तो बेमिसाल बन जाती हैं 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

And the Quest Continues...

And the Quest continues...
                                                    ~ Srikant Rao

Mind seeks the occult, the unknown
Always follows the enigma
‘Run of the mill’ simply passé
Anything not unique – a stigma

Such a quest is heavily intoxicating
A heady mix of excitement and anxiety
An uphill task finding that one door
Before having to open enough that is filthy and dirty

The feeling of pure ecstasy at arrival
Simply surpasses the arduous journey
Mind seeks the occult, the unknown
Always following the enigma

And the quest continues...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Unleash your Potential!!!

Unleash Your Potential!
~ Srikant Rao
A walk down memory lane ala time travel
Where the feet feels no tar, grass or gravel

The next moment holding a conversation
Can’t place any context, relevance or juxtaposition

A few continents across, awed by a visual treat
Short-lived experience with no traces of cold or heat

Running down a narrow alley, dark and scary
Chased by a monster, hoping to be rescued by a fairy

Standing on a podium, receiving an award
Unaware of the feat that deserved the reward

Seamless travel through places, time and emotions
Without a dime, card or currency of any denomination

Emergence of an unseen pit, sliding down deep into the rabbit hole
Found myself on the other side with eyes wide open as if I just hit a pole

Our mind can do wonders – Alas! Freedom is availed only when we’re fast
It’s caged and chained with our prejudices and preconceived notions when
awake... weep!