Monday, November 10, 2014

A "Question" of "Direction"

We seem to be seeking something all the time. The answers are all around us in plain sight. Are we asking the right questions? That’s the real question. Isn't it?

What’s the first thing we say when someone asks us to introduce ourselves? We start with “My name is blah blah. I’m this and I’m that” etc.

I looked at this in a slightly different dimension and noticed something eerily intriguing.
We believe that “I” in I’m stands for identity and/or individuality.
Identity and Individuality usually comes with excess baggage of Ego and Emotions.
If we drop the baggage, we realize it’s just an imagination.

With a little introspection, it’s clear that "I'm" is a mere projection of our
1)      Imagination of how we like others to see us &
2)      Memories of past actions and achievements.

Now, have we ever been introduced to the real us? How would we introduce us to ourselves?
In all probability it would be in the “third” person.
That’s when we realize maybe, just maybe, we are different from our Mind and Body. They are nothing but our carrier in this journey. We mistook it to be us and are in a continuous conflict to control these to achieve the superficial goal of “presenting” ourselves to the world instead of just being.

I’ll leave you with an interesting snippet and thought I learnt from one of the eminent “Gurus”.
A noble man was travelling and looking for a certain address. He stops by a simpleton who seemed to be a local and asked, “Sir, how far is this place from here?” To which, the simpleton replied in a matter-of-fact tone, “Roughly about 40,070 kms”. (The circumference of earth is about 40,075 kms).
Notwithstanding the astonishment and shock on the noble man’s face, the simpleton continued, “But if you turn around Sir, it’s just 5 kms”.

Are WE looking in the right direction?

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