Thursday, January 29, 2015

'Subject'ive Humor

Using 'His'tory, lines were drawn on natural Land to create political Geography. 
Ushering in Civics with little or no sense. 

Physics of our Biology changes depending on mutual Chemistry. 

Geometry throws it's theories and angles as to why Algebra can't find it's "x".
There is no 'sin' of consistency 'cos' 'theta' not well defined. 
English is pretty much customized with spellings and grammar depending on where you learn.

The dictionary is still incomplete and adding new words every year. 

Debit or Credit cards have not understood the simple rule - Debit what comes in, credit what goes out. 
Ultimate truth is money eventually goes out.

Catching up on Ever evolving Computer Languages is tougher than Physical Training (P.T.)

NatGeo and Discovery compete against the teacher in Environmental Studies
And unfortunately Arts and Craft don't teach the "Art of Living"

Friday, January 16, 2015


Good Creation, not the creator, is appreciated
Bad Creation is mocked at but the creator is ridiculed.
Even if creator in both the cases is the same.
Let's review the cycle.

NECESSITY impregnates the mind with an idea
Curiosity of delivery fuels execution
Passion fuels excellence
Excellence attracts appreciation
Appreciation's evil twin is expectation
Expectations fuel anxiety of failure
Anxiety of failure fuels consistency pressure
Consistency fuels boredom
Boredom fuels indifference
Indifference creates mediocrity
Mediocrity attracts ridicule
Ridicule triggers self-pity or vengeance
Vengeance is self destructive
Self-pity accentuates re-validation
Re-validation sparks NECESSITY

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Story with Questions

What sets anything apart? What’s the whole “Odd man out” concept?

In a gurukul environment, two young lads were really good in their class and were noticed by their “guru” for their capabilities.

They were far better than the rest of the class that year.

To choose the best, “guru” decided to test them in one grand finale.
This competition was only applicable to those two and NOT the rest.

The challenge was to make the best “Bow and Arrow” keeping in mind the heavy demand for good archers at that time.
Rules were as follows:

1)      They could not use any of the gurukul resources at freewill
2)      The bow and arrow had to be functional
3)      They will NOT see each other or their work
4)      Time given to each was 3 days

As a part of class/caste immunity, the guru was unaware of the contestants’ backgrounds.
Incidentally, one was the son of an army commander (senapati) and the other was a carpenter’s son.
While the boys had learnt a lot about bows and arrows and were adept themselves at self-defence techniques, making a functional bow and arrow was a real challenge. In a gurukul environment, they were obviously away from the city and their parents, neighbours or relatives.

As a well-practiced technique, both the boys began by meditating. Getting their entire focus on to the objective given to them. They internalized the rules and were digging in their memory to get the best possible solution.

Early on, it occurred to the “Senapati’s” son that he could use the available resources but after requesting and justifying the need. That was what “not at freewill” meant.
The carpenter’s son did not seem to comprehend that point. He was visualizing everything he could and was building a mental blue-print of the bow and arrow.

Day 2, the senapati’s son went to the “guru” and requested the list of resources that could be used for this contest. He was duly answered and he began his work.

The carpenter’s son set off towards the woods to collect his resources based on what he had visualized.

Amongst the two, guru secretly rooted for the carpenter’s son to win but was a tad disappointed at not seeing him approach for the resources. He was however happy that one of the boys had the courage to question the rules and put up a justifying request.

Day 3, both the boys were busy building their respective functional bow and arrow.

The final day arrived when they were supposed to display their work.

The Senapati’s son came ahead and unveiled his piece of art. It was a magnificently built strong bow.
The bow was made from layered materials of dissimilar substances viz., shredded sinew, sapwood and heartwood. The arrows were made of the best wood shafts with alloy metal tips (new technology developed locally) available. Almost perfect bowstring attached to the bow’s staff to make for a perfect trigger.
The arrows were shaped to enable a fast, straight line flight with the longest reach.

From the corner of his eye, guru saw a tinge of disappointment in the carpenter’s son’s eyes even before he had unveiled his piece of work.

When he displayed his bow and arrow, the bow was made of light flexible bamboo wood variety, the bowstring was made of shredded and twined coir. The arrow was made from dry grass blades . Although technically functional, the bow and arrow could not kill or hunt . His creation was looked down upon and mocked by everyone including the jury and fellow students.

While the guru was disappointed and sulked internally, the jury expectantly adjudged senapati’s son the winner.

Feeling guilty of not spotting the talent rightfully, guru retired after that academic year.
Years passed by and upon his return to the city, he curiously enquired about the two boys.

Senapati’s son was an obvious choice in the army after spotting the skill to make the best bows and arrows. However, unfortunately he was killed in the previous war.

The carpenter’s son on the other hand was a minister with the King.
He was both, perplexed and intrigued, by the turn of events. He decided to check with the carpenter’s son himself.

The harmless but functional model that he had created during the competition was appreciated by his father and used it as a successful model for toys. That was soon in demand from the neighbouring cities and kingdoms as well. Their family fortunes changed for good.
The then education minister (also on the jury panel) visited both the boys to understand their modus operandi.

The senapati’s son said in a matter of fact tone.
1)      When I meditated, I recreated the instructions given. As I kept repeating them, it became clear that the resources were at my disposal, but on justifying. I had to question the rules.
2)   Through a fellow student, I checked on the materials being used by my competitor. A bit of bending rules was required.
2)      While I personally hated war, I was privy to some of the tales my father narrated. I simply visualized my father’s bow and arrow, the teachings that were imparted in our gurukul and some of the points from my father’s stories. I used all of them to create my design.
3)      While the design was mine, the expertise of materials used were borrowed.
4)      Rest, as they say, is history.

The carpenter’s wise son thus spoke:
1)      When I meditated, the first thing I realized was that I’m going to be judged by something that I don’t enjoy doing.
2)      It was evident that I could use the resources with proper justification.
3)      Nevertheless, I wanted to enjoy the opportunity that was unavailable to the other students and hence decided otherwise.
4)      It needed to be functional. Hence started to think of what could make an interesting toy for other fellow students to play without hurting anyone.
5)      I could recollect all the teachings, materials and it’s properties and made my model with the only objective of keeping it functional.
6)      I was obviously dejected for being mocked at. Upon returning home, when I reluctantly showed the failed model to my father, he was thrilled at finding the toy he’d been looking for. Rest, as they say, is history.

The education minister was pleased and put in a word about the carpenter’s son to the king.
He had the rare skill of converting available information into valuable knowledge.

The teacher was once again stung by guilt and was ashamed of his decisions. However, this time, he resolved to correct his mistake and stayed with the failed student to help him with his experience and wisdom as a bonus. After all, he would learn a lot too in the bargain.

So, let’s revisit the questions. What stands apart? What is the concept of “odd man out”?

List of my Top 5 observations:
1)      Winner had questioned the rules
2)      Carpenter’s son had been totally compliant.
3)      While the winner “stood-out” with his master-piece, carpenter’s son was the “odd-man” out with his funny replica of a model. His approach was actually a bright example of “out of the box” thinking towards LIFE.
4)      While the jury was blinded by their collective thought process at that time, their decision did not stand the test of time. Success in that competition did NOT spell success in life.
5)   Similar qualities make some a Leader and some an outcast.

These observations have a lot to do with society, acceptance and our value system. Its lineage and our legacy.
While I’ll leave you with these observations, there are many more hidden lessons in this story that can be interpreted in today’s context.

I’d want to hear your versions as well. There are NO rules to use the Comments section below.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

PRICE of Freedom?

Is “Freedom of Speech and Expression” over-rated in today’s world and context?
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "Freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
The operative word being “Hold” opinions and NOT “SHOVE it in your FACE”.

According to Wikipedia, “Freedom of speech” is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
The operative phrase being “to anyone who is willing to receive them”.
Freedom can never be enjoyed at the cost of someone else. 
The minute we do that, we're killing the other's freedom.

It’s not simple. But it’s not as complex as well.

A movie, a stand-up act, a Book or the internet provides an opportunity to choose. To Read/See OR Not to. If someone chooses to read/see it despite knowing the content, they are exercising their freedom of choice.

Can the same be true to Radio, Television, Magazines and Newspapers? I believe they do not enjoy the same level of freedom/discretion as the others do. 
Just by the basic design of their existence. These are available in far too many public facilities for open reading/viewing. Access is not restricted in anyway. Today the advertising/marketing world may dissect the target audiences but by and large, these are openly available for public consumption. 
Most of these enjoy Government subsidies too.
Here the choice works the other way round. While in the first set of examples, the choice is whether to read/see or not, here the choice is to “ignore” or not after seeing/reading it. See the difference?

Why do we not use expletives or abusive language in our daily communication?
The same simple reason needs to be applied by the publications too.

Exercising some caution keeping the above simple thing in mind can and will do a lot of good to mankind. 
Provoking with an “expectation” for others to “accept” it as “Freedom of Expression”. 
Operative word here being “Expectation”. That’s plain foolish.

Some take it personally and the saga of vengeance and vendetta continues.
Killing someone to make a point can never be justified. 
But has this not been done before for other so-called noble reasons? 
That is and an entirely different debate altogether.

One thing is clear. 
Collectively we humans pay the price ironically with our priceless LIVEs.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mutation of a City!

A city of opportunities
Of blended communities

Social activities
Through gatherings and festivities

No one slept hungry
Although a bit disgruntled and angry

Double standards and Hypocrisy
Power struggle guised as democracy

Communal disharmony
Precarious blasphemy

Son of the soil
Embroiled with the ones who toil

Debates, smooth or rough
Replaced by blows and fisticuffs

Fear and rumours afloat
Emotions fly at the click of a remote

Fragile tolerance
Agile violence

Eroded humanity, blatant lust
Faith and trust, biting the dust

Is this but a changing identity
Or a disfiguration of our behemoth city

Between ‘Meritocracy’ and ‘Robinhood Democracy’

Simply put, the title suggests the crux of the article. However, let’s delve a little and see what insights can be sought through the following paragraphs.

Each time I look at a situation, my brain tries to look for the root of a problem. It’s funny how it computes at high speeds and attempts to untie every possible complicated knot. Then, when I look at the root cause, it almost mocks me to shame. Layers of complication built by unwanted data points and analysis paralysis. It usually says, “I've always been here staring at you. You've never taken the efforts to fix / address me.”

OK, let me simplify this to you directly. Let’s see if it’s edible, let alone digestible.
Some absolute fundamentals.
1)      What is the definition of Right and Wrong?
2)      Who decides it?
3)      What role does the above two have in forming a Society?
4)      What role does the society play in general welfare of the human beings?

My observation simply tells me that our answers to all the above questions are flawed and we have a problem at our hands instead of a solution. Society that thrives on Robinhood democracy (taxing the rich and subsidizing for the poor) pulls us down more than thrusting us ahead.

Let’s look at a quirky situation on hand.
It was recently reported that Japan, as a society, is abandoning marriage and reproduction. You read it right. The societal structure and marital laws were blamed for the current  apathy. However, the repercussions of this phenomenon are global. 
The country that has enough debt and deficit (approx $1.1 trillion) can jeopardize the global economy if this situation does not improve. The report argued that the life expectancy of an average Japanese citizen is quite high thereby putting a pressure on the medical system. To sustain it, they need more taxpayers who come from the new generation, which is on a steep decline. This report is not just alarming but completely baffling and must act as an eye-opener to the rest of mankind.

Our current societal system has given more crutches to people instead of teaching them to stand on their own. In turn there are quite a few people who feel the burden of being a crutch to the system to sustain it in its current form. Equality and Justice are the most misunderstood and misinterpreted words in human history.
 One such misinterpreted Representation

Who’s who and what are the long term benefits? Is it really beneficial to the mankind in general OR just a few select ideologies? 
Someone, somewhere will always feel deprived and will fight for ‘more’ SUPPORT. 
In the quest, one might spot a hidden agenda of power struggle to be the hero for his/her community. Thereby lies friction and conflict and we've experienced this for far too long.

In the current information overflow era, is it time to revisit and review the basic structure? Do we really need a few people to work extra to feed the rest who are either plain lazy or opportunists?
Nature has taught us one simple ANSWER. Except the homo sapiens, nature continues to practice it blatantly and “in-our-face”. 
That’s called - “Survival of the fittest”.
It does not have to be always physical. But if it means adapting, then so be it.
Even the climate is doing it.

In all my previous articles, one way or the other, I've maintained that Self Help is the Best Help. 
This is pushing the envelope a wee bit in the right direction. 
With all our evolution, science, knowledge and technology, we should get the blue-print back on the table for a better tomorrow. Let’s start the debate of meritocracy v/s Robinhood democracy.
It’s about time.