Sunday, January 4, 2015

Between ‘Meritocracy’ and ‘Robinhood Democracy’

Simply put, the title suggests the crux of the article. However, let’s delve a little and see what insights can be sought through the following paragraphs.

Each time I look at a situation, my brain tries to look for the root of a problem. It’s funny how it computes at high speeds and attempts to untie every possible complicated knot. Then, when I look at the root cause, it almost mocks me to shame. Layers of complication built by unwanted data points and analysis paralysis. It usually says, “I've always been here staring at you. You've never taken the efforts to fix / address me.”

OK, let me simplify this to you directly. Let’s see if it’s edible, let alone digestible.
Some absolute fundamentals.
1)      What is the definition of Right and Wrong?
2)      Who decides it?
3)      What role does the above two have in forming a Society?
4)      What role does the society play in general welfare of the human beings?

My observation simply tells me that our answers to all the above questions are flawed and we have a problem at our hands instead of a solution. Society that thrives on Robinhood democracy (taxing the rich and subsidizing for the poor) pulls us down more than thrusting us ahead.

Let’s look at a quirky situation on hand.
It was recently reported that Japan, as a society, is abandoning marriage and reproduction. You read it right. The societal structure and marital laws were blamed for the current  apathy. However, the repercussions of this phenomenon are global. 
The country that has enough debt and deficit (approx $1.1 trillion) can jeopardize the global economy if this situation does not improve. The report argued that the life expectancy of an average Japanese citizen is quite high thereby putting a pressure on the medical system. To sustain it, they need more taxpayers who come from the new generation, which is on a steep decline. This report is not just alarming but completely baffling and must act as an eye-opener to the rest of mankind.

Our current societal system has given more crutches to people instead of teaching them to stand on their own. In turn there are quite a few people who feel the burden of being a crutch to the system to sustain it in its current form. Equality and Justice are the most misunderstood and misinterpreted words in human history.
 One such misinterpreted Representation

Who’s who and what are the long term benefits? Is it really beneficial to the mankind in general OR just a few select ideologies? 
Someone, somewhere will always feel deprived and will fight for ‘more’ SUPPORT. 
In the quest, one might spot a hidden agenda of power struggle to be the hero for his/her community. Thereby lies friction and conflict and we've experienced this for far too long.

In the current information overflow era, is it time to revisit and review the basic structure? Do we really need a few people to work extra to feed the rest who are either plain lazy or opportunists?
Nature has taught us one simple ANSWER. Except the homo sapiens, nature continues to practice it blatantly and “in-our-face”. 
That’s called - “Survival of the fittest”.
It does not have to be always physical. But if it means adapting, then so be it.
Even the climate is doing it.

In all my previous articles, one way or the other, I've maintained that Self Help is the Best Help. 
This is pushing the envelope a wee bit in the right direction. 
With all our evolution, science, knowledge and technology, we should get the blue-print back on the table for a better tomorrow. Let’s start the debate of meritocracy v/s Robinhood democracy.
It’s about time.

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