Thursday, August 27, 2015

Let better sense and optimism prevail!

There’s something about the basics and fundamentals with me. I seem to see things threadbare.
The keyword being “seem” to see.
It started with analyzing an issue, a difficult individual or personality driven corporate battles. This habit spilled over into life itself. It’s almost like I see everything in 1’s and 0’s like Neo sees it in the last scene of Matrix (First part).

That movie was indeed prophetic. Today we are living in the Matrix. Everything around us is as fake as it can get. We are slaves to a system that pushes us into paying up. Taxes or EMIs. One way or the other.

We keep cribbing but struggle to stay within the system and in fact climb the ladder.
We’ve distorted the very meaning or definition of Happiness.

We are running around or driving each other crazy in this fast urbanized/westernized world.
We aim to have a lavish house without having the time to dwell in them.
We aim to have a lavish car without enjoying the drive in itself.
We aim and keep slogging for a mirage called “Happy Day”.  Even if it were to come, it wouldn’t last more than a ‘day’. The very next day, we would be back in the same rut.
We don’t have ‘Time’ for our people. However, we claim to be slogging FOR them.
We are all fooling ourselves beyond limits. Why do we work beyond office hours? Why do we travel crazy for hours in traffic? We are so zonked on weekends that we don’t want to get out of the house. What was the bloody point? Or What IS the bloody point?

We work hard for a promotion. Once promoted and with a meagre increase in salary, we are worried about tax saving. With that comes the most lucrative option of buying a house on EMIs. Rest of our life is ‘invested’ in servicing one EMI after the other.

Mind you – At the end of it, happiness is still elusive.
However, we’ve experienced Happiness. During our younger days.
The wealth we had was TIME and NOT money. That was immaterial. Reality never changes. Somehow, we have this weird belief that to be happier we need more money and then sacrifice the basic ingredient.

I’m all set to reclaim TIME.
Whether happiness still remains elusive or will my theory hold true, is yet to be seen / experienced.

Let better sense and optimism prevail! J

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