Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ego – Ew! Go...

There’s a lesson in everything
As a student, if you are carefully observing
There’s a hidden message in gravity
In success, urging one to stay grounded and display humility

Great icons have demonstrated through their way of life
It is one’s thoughts and actions that rise above the strife
Wise men hardly bothered the way they were clad
They emphasized to stretch a helping hand and make someone glad

Expectations binges one’s self-esteem into obesity
Thrusts actions that can jeopardize one’s dignity
There may be a reason it is called ‘ego’
I can hear myself cry “Ew!” “GO’

Gratitude, in itself, is an attitude
Be unique and establish your own latitude
There’s a lesson in everything you see
There’s so much to learn without a fee


  1. Way to go...

    Totally agree on the point -

    'There’s a lesson in everything you see
    There’s so much to learn without a fee'

  2. Good one Mikee......Sriks, Mel makkal mel makkale...
